With seven of the eight UAA schools running an active Black student-athlete group, NYU Senior Associate Athletic Director Janice Quinn reached out to men’s basketball rising junior Zay Freeney about re-starting NYU BLAC. “I was on board immediately and was part of something like that in high school,” recalled Freeney, who had already served as the NYU representative when executive board members from Black student-athlete groups around the UAA came together on a Zoom call in April. “I knew there would be challenges, but I was sure I was up to it. I saw the need because when I looked around at other teams on campus, I didn’t see a lot of players who looked like me.”
Another factor that made it the right timing for NYU was the addition of Student Development Coordinator and McLendon Leadership Initiative Fellow Jalen Holley to the staff in late summer. One of Holley’s first duties was to attend the UAA Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) meeting in St. Louis the first weekend in August, where he met several leaders of UAA affinity groups. He and Freeney connected shortly after the fall semester began.
The two realized immediately that they had similar goals to enhance the experience of Black student-athletes at NYU. “Jalen is all about hearing me out and what I have to say. He came in as someone not familiar the program and met with me weekly to share ideas on how to make NYU BLAC a reality. He was the key to getting it started. He has courage and vision, and he has gone above and beyond for us.”
“I want to support the student-athletes any way I can. I give suggestions, but they need to run the group how they want to have it run. It’s their ship and I am here to guide them as needed,” Holley stated.
While acknowledging it is challenging to bring people together consistently with student-athletes living and competing in so many different places in New York City and even New Jersey, Freeney has been encouraged by what he has seen so far. “We have had some amazing meetings and great conversations, bringing in different pizzas from the vicinity of campus and having conversations as a common icebreaker to talk about our challenges and sharing individual stories as to what brought each person to the meeting,” he explained. “We want to come together and build a community at NYU. It is important to have this connectivity with one another and create a stronger bond. We need higher participation, but we got off to a strong start and we are confident we can have a tremendous impact once we really get going.”

“The first few meetings have given us a chance to talk about what we want to accomplish with open and candid conversations in a safe space. We know that NYU people are returning to campus from all over at night when we meet and we want to make the time worthwhile for them,” Holley added. “I have had the additional opportunity to talk about the McClendon program (which provides people of color access and opportunities through its scholarship program and leadership initiative) and share some of my experiences as a young, recently graduated Division III student-athlete of color.”
Knowing the previous NYU BLAC formation did not continue because no one other than the president, Janean Cuffee, was willing to step into a leadership position, Freeney is focused on finding other passionate student-athletes to join the executive board and create something sustainable. One person who has stepped into a critical role is softball player Margaux Lesser, who is serving as vice president. Although Freeney is a junior, Lesser is a senior, so they continue to seek younger student-athletes to step into key roles.
NYU BLAC gave the UAA a full slate of eight schools with Black student-athlete groups for the first time in the 2023-24 academic year. Apart from the new chapter at NYU, the presidents throughout the UAA were veteran members of their executive boards.
Jennifer Ngo was in her third year as CWRU BLAC president and her fourth as a member of the executive board. RJ Holmes of Carnegie Mellon was also in his fourth year on the executive board of CMU BLAC, his second as president after two years as vice president. Gabe Haithcock (Brandeis), Geoff Point-Du-Jour (Emory), and Raquel Williams (Rochester) all founded/co-founded their campus’ chapter and were in the second year as presidents. Charis Riebe began serving her second year as WU BLAC president and third as a member of that chapter’s executive board.

The only newcomer, apart from Freeney, to the president’s role was Ivvy Hicks of UChicago, but she was in her third year on the executive board and was making history of her own. Hicks became the first woman president in UChicago BLAC history and the first president to be from a UAA championship-sponsored sport in women’s tennis. The group’s founder Demetrius Johnson, Jr. and its two-year president Rhys Bommarito-Logan were both football student-athletes, a sport the UAA stopped contesting in 2018 with the Maroons ending UAA play in 2016.
In early April, the UAA administration sent out a questionnaire to the group leaders to help facilitate a call in which the Black student-athlete group representatives discussed successes, challenges, recruitment, and support among campus groups and alumni.
In early summer, Emory Black Student-Athlete Group president and co-founder Geoff Point-Du-Jour reached out to WU BLAC president Charis Riebe regarding consistent contact between the UAA BLAC leaders. “We had been in contact a lot when he was starting the group at Emory. He brought me the idea of bringing together the leaders, and I reached out to everyone and started the group chat. Our thought process was that we can take this higher, so let’s make it bigger,” Riebe recollected.

In addition to deciding to meet regularly via Zoom, the duo decided to form an Association-wide group called UAA BLAC and became the organization’s first co-presidents. The presidents of all eight UAA student-athlete of color groups now meet monthly virtually. The group also added an online presence with a UAA BLAC Instagram account and has had multiple conversations about future goals and structure. “Our first Zoom call was 2-2½ hours long as we all discussed our successes and struggles,” Riebe remembered. “We have found in coming together that the needs at every school were similar. We have put things together UAA-wide to continue the momentum.”
UAA Black Student-Athlete Group Executive Boards
Founder of Black Student-Athlete Groups: Demetrius Johnson, Jr. (University of Chicago)
Co-Presidents: Geoff Point-Du-Jour, Emory; Charis Riebe, WashU
Executive Board Members: Gabe Haithcock, Brandeis; Robert “RJ” Holmes, Carnegie Mellon; Elise Moore, CWRU; Zay Freeney, NYU; Ivvy HIcks, UChicago; Raquel Williams, Rochester
Brandeis (Student Athletes of Color)
President: Gabe Haithcock, Men’s Soccer
Vice President: Ragini Kannan, Softball
Treasurer: Bhakti Parwani, Women’s Tennis
Community Service Coordinator: Arianna Jackson, Volleyball
Events Co-Coordinators: Ella Subramanian/Sabrina Loui, Women’s Tennis
Outreach Coordinator: Selenya Gonzalez, Women’s Basketball
Media Coordinator: Rani Balakrishna, Softball
Carnegie Mellon (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
President: Robert “RJ” Holmes, Men’s Basketball
Vice President: Alex Javier, Football
Communications and Social Media Chairs: Faith Lawrence, Softball;
Taylor Symonette, Women’s Track & Field
Programming Chair: Kayla Rountree, Women’s Track & Field
Finance and Co-Professional Development Chair: JP Florentino-Mattos, Football
CWRU (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
President: Jennifer Ngo, Volleyball
Vice President: Elise Moore, Women’s Track & Field
Treasurer: Jad Oglesby, Men’s Soccer
Secretary: Elizabeth Onyekwere, Volleyball
Member Retention Coordinator: Amanda Ngo
Social Media Chair/Event Coordinator: Jasiah Harris, Baseball
Emory (Black Student-Athlete Group)
President: Geoff Point-Du-Jour, Men’s Track & Field
Vice President: Chayse Corfman, Women’s Soccer
Secretary: Sydney Holden, Women’s Track & Field
Parliamentarian: Andrea McPherson, Women’s Track & Field
Freshman Representatives: Mikaela Hubbard, Women’s Basketball;
Isaac Smith, Men’s Track & Field
Social Media Chair: Dashiel Tao Harris, Women’s Track & Field
NYU (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
President: Zay Freeney, Men’s Basketball
Vice President: Margaux Lesser, Softball
UChicago (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
President: Ivy Hicks, Women’s Tennis
Vice President: Kyle James, Football
Secretary: Myles Xavier, Men’s Track & Field
SAAC Representative: Andrew Ray, Men’s Track & Field
Social Media Chair: Gabriela Meschino, Women’s Track & Field
Alumni Relations Chair: Tola Olorode, Men’s Basketball
Rochester (Black Student Athlete Coalition)
President: Raquel Williams, Rochester
Vice President: Hass Diallo, Women’s Lacrosse
Treasurer: Jordan Laudani, Football
Community Outreach Chair: Deziree Garrick, Women’s Track & Field
Community Outreach Chair: Happy Chane, Football
Event Chair: Trey Johnson, Football
Publicity Chair: Manny Eribo, Men’s Track & Field
WashU (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
President: Charis Riebe, Women’s Track & Field
Vice President: Chidera Nwokolo, Men’s Basketball
Secretary: Fred Ware, Football
Treasurer: Aaliyaa Genat, Volleyball
Communications Chair: Liv Muse, Women’s Basketball
Community Outreach Chairs: Jasmine Sells, Volleyball; Nicole Stewart, Women’s Track & Field
Events Chairs: Eva Boling, Volleyball; Jonathan Coffy, Men’s Basketball
Brandeis (Student Athletes of Color)
President: Gabe Haithcock, Men’s Soccer
Vice President: Ragini Kannan, Softball
Communication Head: Selenya Gonzalez, Women’s Basketball
Events Coordinators: Ella Subramanian/Sabrina Loui, Women’s Tennis
Media Coordinator: Rani Balakrishna, Softball
Secretary/Treasurer: Bkahti Parwani, Women’s Tennis
Carnegie Mellon (Black and Latinx Athlete Coalition)
President: Robert “RJ” Holmes, Men’s Basketball
Vice President: Alex Javier, Football
Secretary: MarQia Allen, Women’s Track & Field
Community Service and Outreach Chair: Ola Owodunni, Women’s Track & Field
CWRU (Black and Latinx Athlete Coalition)
President: Jennifer Ngo, Volleyball
Vice President: Jad Oglesby, Men’s Soccer
Treasurer: Ruben “RJ” Christie, Baseball
Social Media Chair & Secretary: Zachary Brown, Football
Event Coordinator: Elise Moore, Women’s Track & Field
Member Retention: Elizabeth Onyekwere, Volleyball
Emory (Black Student Athlete Group)
Co-President: Dubem Nnake, Men’s Basketball
Co-President: Geoff Point-Du-Jour, Men’s Track & Field
Vice President: JJ Halaby, Men’s Basketball
Treasurer: Tommy Davis, Men’s Track & Field
Secretary: Maya Thompson, Women’s Basketball
Social Media and Marketing Chairs: Chayse Corfman, Women’s Soccer;
Dashiel Tao Harris, Women’s Track & Field
Parliamentarian: Andrea McPherson, Women’s Track & Field
Freshman Rep: Sydney Holden, Women’s Track & Field
UChicago (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
President: Rhys Bommarito-Logan, Football
Vice President: Kyle James, Football
Secretary: Ivvy Hicks, Women’s Tennis
SAAC Rep: Gabriela Meschino, Women’s Track & Field
Rochester (Black Student Athletic Coalition)
President: Raquel Williams, Women’s Basketball
Vice President: Deziree Garrick, Women’s Track & Field
Secretary/Communication Chair: Nora Fairbanks-Lee, Women’s Basketball
Publicity Chair: Hass Diallo, Women’s Lacrosse
Treasurer: Happy Chane, Football
Co-Retention Coordinators: Trey Johnson Football; Manny Eribo, Men’s Track & Field
WashU (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
Co-President: Charis Riebe, Women’s Track & Field
Co-President: Abayomi Awoyomi, Men’s Track & Field
Community Outreach: Gemma Pleas, Women’s Track & Field
Community Outreach: Chidera Nwokolo, Men’s Basketball
Communications Chair: Lauren Gay, Women’s Track & Field
Events Chairs: Christina Walker, Women’s Basketball; Mycah Clay, Women’s Track & Field
Secretary: Naomi Jackson, Women’s Basketball
Carnegie Mellon (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
President: Obi Nnaeto, Football
Vice President: Robert “RJ” Holmes, Men’s Basketball
CWRU (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
President: Jennifer Ngo, Volleyball
Vice President/Treasurer: Ruben “RJ” Christie, Baseball
UAA Liaison: Elise Moore, Women’s Indoor Track & Field
Secretary: Jad Oglesby, Men’s Soccer
UChicago (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
President: Rhys Bommarito-Logan, Football
Vice President: Kyle James, Football
Secretary: Ivvy Hicks, Women’s Tennis
Social Media Coordinator: Kaelen Cooper, Football
SAAC Representative: Gabriela Meschino, Women’s Track & Field
WashU (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
Co-President: Kameron Mack, Men’s Basketball
Co-President: Samantha Weaver, Women’s Basketball
Secretary: Abayomi Awoyomi, Men’s Track & Field
Treasurer: Langston Laramore-Josey, Football
Communications: Ariana Miles, Women’s Soccer
Events: Mycah Clay/Charis Riebe, Women’s Track & Field
Community Outreach: Naomi Jackson, Women’s Basketball; Gemma Pleas, Women’s Track & Field
Carnegie Mellon (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
Co-President: Joshua Pinckney, Men’s Tennis
Co-President: Obi Nnaeto, Football
Vice President for Member Engagement: Robert “RJ” Holmes, Men’s Basketball
Campus Ambassador: Mason Tolliver, Football
CWRU (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
Co-President: Corey King, Men’s Track & Field
Co-President: Clarence “Tre” Armstrong, Baseball
Treasurer: Ruben “RJ” Christie, Baseball
Secretary: Jennifer Ngo, Volleyball
Other founding members:; Elise Moore, Women’s Track & Field; Jad Oglesby, Men’s Soccer
NYU (Black LatinX Athlete Coalition)
President: Janean Cuffee, Women’s Basketball
UChicago (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
No Executive Board
Founder: Demetrius Johnson, Jr., Football
Members: Joseph Burns, Baseball; Bryce Hopkins, Brennan McDaniel, Men’s Basketball;
Makai Robinson, Greg Asare, Giovanni Jackson, John McCormick, Elliot Grays,
Roman Lewis, Rhys Bommarito-Logan, Football; Bryce Milligan, Michael Johnson, Men’s Soccer; Casey Jervier, Skye Davis, Andrea Omehe, Peyton Jefferson, Women’s Soccer; Taye Baldinazzo, Julian Green, Men’s Swimming & Diving; Ayisha Afrik, Women’s Swimming & Diving; Daryn Ellison, Women’s Tennis; Jabari Owns, Elliot Painstil, Jaden Rismay, Men’s Track & Field; Opeoluwa Olusi, Natasha Rodgers,
Rochester (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
President: Antony Ramirez, Football
Vice President: Tamera Shaw, Volleyball
WashU (Black Letterwinning Athlete Coalition)
Co-President: Eka Jose, Women’s Track & Field
Co-President: Caira Watson-Haynes, Women’s Track & Field
Vice President of Operations: Kameron Mack, Men’s Basketball
Communications Chair: Samantha Weaver, Women’s Basketball
Treasurer: Langston Laramore-Josey, Football
Event Chair: Randal Walker, Women’s Track & Field
Community Outreach Coordinators: Andrew Whitaker, Men’s Track & Field/Football; Khylan Nevils-Reed, Football